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Showcase Selection Criteria

Committee Criteria

The Pacific Contact Showcase Selection Committee consists of nine presenters, festival representatives, artists, agents, managers and other performing arts professionals including individuals who identify as BIPOC and other equity-seeking groups. The Showcase Selection Committee makes their choices based on the criteria outlined below. Final selections will be reviewed and adjusted based on genre diversity, regional representation, and gender equity.

Apply to Join the Showcase Selection Committee

Selection Criteria

  • Is the quality of the performance above or below other applications of this type and in this genre?
  • Where does the performance rank in comparison to all other applicants?
  • Does the artistic group include representation from marginalized communities such as racialized people, Indigenous people and people from the LGBTQ2S+, disability and MAD arts community?
  • Does the artist acknowledge culturally appropriate protocols, practices and permissions, including appropriate community consent, support, advice and/or collaboration?
  • Is this performance and production feasible for a BC tour?
  • Has the artist demonstrated the capacity to realize a BC tour?
  • Are the tech and hospitality riders straightforward easy to understand?
  • Does the artistic group offer quality working conditions for artists and cultural workers, including fair remuneration, equitable employment, cultural competency, cultural safety, and safe and respectful work environment?
  • Does this artist have a good chance of being booked on a BC tour?
  • Are the performer’s marketing materials professional, clear and engaging?
  • Does the artist have a strong support team behind them (Manager, Agent, Publicist, Record Label etc.)?
  • Are there clear strategies to engage with new audiences, communities or networks?